The Anchorage Gospel Rescue Mission is a member of the Citygate Network. Citygate Network is North America’s oldest and largest community of independent, faith-based crisis shelters and life-transformation centers. Citygate Network members seek to move people in desperate situations and destitute conditions (i.e., hungry, homeless, abused, and addicted) from human suffering to human flourishing through the process of gospel-powered life transformation.
Member organizations are staffed by diverse, faith-focused followers of Jesus who carry out their objectives through a variety of programs. Foundational, is a belief by faith that Jesus of Nazareth was marvelously and simultaneously God and man—someone whose sinless life, death, burial, and resurrection are the basis for understanding and living life according to God’s plan.
This makes offering help and hope to people in destitute conditions and desperate situations an exciting endeavor, because it is essentially a way of proclaiming and achieving what God wants:
“…that His Kingdom should begin to emerge, right here on earth, just as it already exists in heaven.” Matthew 6:10