We are a Christian organization and our purpose is to show God’s love through example and in a practical manner by providing for the needs of the homeless, poor and needy in our community. We are a safety net for those who find themselves without food, shelter, clothing or hope.
The Rescue Mission functions as an overnight shelter to house the homeless of our community in a safe, warm and welcoming environment. Most nights we sleep 100 souls. Our kitchen feeds the homeless, the working poor and needy families an average of 8,000 meals per month, 365 days a year.
We offer a six month shelter accommodation for women returning to the work force and transitioning to permanent housing. A one-year LifeSkills program allows between 25-30 men an opportunity for recovery and reintegration back into a useful life at no personal cost. We also have low-cost housing units for those needing sobriety support.
We sustain a Creative Beginnings Art Recovery class. We also offer sobriety groups. We partner with other sister nonprofits and community agencies and with academia to provide as broad an exposure as possible to the resources helpful in rebuilding a sense of accomplishment and genuine community among those we serve.
The Mission also provides for laundry and shower services, limited medical care, counseling, GED completion and school supplies.
Our clothing room provides work clothing for men and women and for clothing that meets the needs of those living on the street. We also assist the working families in our neighborhood with children’s clothing and winter wear which often exceeds their budget.
We sponsor bible studies for our women guests along with donor directed special events. We provide the local VA with space to screen our veterans for services.
Would you like to see the Mission and how it works from the inside? We would like to show you! Personal and group tours may be scheduled on the first Thursday of each month. (Other times as available) We frequently host professional groups, first responders, school and church groups and Mission partners. We are available as speakers. With your permission, pictures are posted to our Facebook page and/or newsletter. Contact Pastor John.
Our Chapel service is nightly from 7:30-8:30. Encouragement is provided from the truth of God’s word.